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Some Obvious Points of Recognition Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Pim Kate Bua Toom.

Somdej Wat Rakang Pim Kate Bua Toom have some obvious points of recognition, which are the first things to check when looking for scrutinizing their authenticity.

a. The hair like Lotus Bud Bundle.
b. Some amulets visible, the Ear in curve.
c. Some amulets visible, Jeeworn line near the right armpit to left shoulder and Sangkati line from
    left chest down to belly.
d. The Elbow flare and the arm is the same size.
e. The left leg under the right knee.
f. The line under the Buddha (Phathip line).
g.The second base (Than Singh) is shorter than others Pims, a line on top the second base and
   the edge of line both side touch Than Singh.

Pim Kate Bua Toom categorized into 2 Pims.
- Kate Buo Toom Yai ( Big : Body almost thick, Some amulets body nearly cylindrical, the face
  is quite round, Forearm thick).
- Kate Buo Toom Lek (Small : The overall appearence the body look thinner).

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