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The Surface Texture of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang.

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang had many printing styles, texture (Main Stuff) and substance (Muan San). So, each Phra Somdej Wat Rakang is not the same texture but may be the same printing style.

First you have to examine the composition of main stuff matters which has been mixed as the materials used as ingredients for construction of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang.

"Main Stuff " means compound that holds, being structure or forms the shape of Phra accoring to the mold.
"Muan San" means the important mixtures presented in the main stuff as sole auspicious ingredient in powder, granule, piece or lump forms.

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang amulets have various surface textures categorized such as :
     - Neur Yaab (Rough Texture).
     - Neur La-iad (Fine Texture).
     - Neur Gae Nam Man Tuag Iew (Rich of Tung oil).
     - Neur Sang Khaya, ect.

SWR-055       SWR-042
  (SWR-055)                                                       (SWR-042)
Neur La-iad (Fine Texture).

  (SWR-046)                                                       (SWR-053)
Neur Yaab (Rough Texture).

Neur Gae Nam Man Tuag Iew (Rich of Tung oil).

Neur Sang Khaya

Why Somdej Wat Rakang amulets had various surface textures?   Because of  Phra Somdej Wat Rakang was made from five kinds of sacred powders namely
     - Ittijae powder.
     - Tri-ni-singhae powder.
     - Pattamang powder.
     - Maharaj powder. and
     - Buddhakun powder.

The ingredients of five kinds of sacred powder were mixed together and added with the popular main stuffs  which consisted of
     - Ground shells as main part.
     - Soft white clay.
     - Assorted flower.
     - Any other leftover food or rice by Somdej Toh.
     - Raw/ripe banana or jack fruit.
     - Different kinds of pollen grains.
     - Various kinds of wahn including rhizome, flower, leaf, stem such as jusmin stem.
     - Candlewick or candle wax lit in homage of Lord Buddha, etc.

(Wahn means collective name for certain Thai plants with or without bulbs. some species are used in medicine.)

All these different kinds of sacred powders (which acted as a cement substance) were all blended with the bulk of main stuff and dried, then mixed with boil sugar cane juice.  They are finally threshed with Tung oil and imprinted in the molds.

The bulk of main stuff were not the same in each batch depended on that time Somdej Toh
 mixd each stuff much or less in the bulk.  Then Phra Somdej Wat Rakang amulets have various surface textures.

The ready made Phra Somdej will then go through incantation ceremony by Somdej Toh. During the ceremony, Somdej Toh chanted Katha Chinabanchorn to reflect the invitation of the Lord Buddha and bless the Phra Somdej as well.

All Phra Somdej amulets made by different bulk of substance but were same special spiritual values consist of:
     - Enhance personal power.
     - Increasing charm and loving kindness,
     - Strong protection from accident
     - Can be dip into water for making holy water to treat various illnesses. 

(In B.E.2416, there were cholera out break in Bangkok which caused a lot of numerous death. Somdej Toh advised people through dream to make holy water by dipping the Phra Somdej into a bowl of water. Miraculously those patients who were seriously infected by cholera illness recovered after drinking the holy water made by Phra Somdej amulet).  

There are many other good experiences from many wearer which made Phra Somdej Wat Rakang highly sought after by many collectors.


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