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The Directory of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Vol. 4 (1)

e Directory of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Vol. 4 by Archarn Kla Katesurinchai, one of the guru of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang.  He create this book as everlasting textbook in three languages Thai, English and Chinese for everyone who interest to learn Phra Somdej Wat rakang.

 Front Cover

 Back Cover

He disclose the key point of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang for everybody to learn and easy to identify by standard of measurment each Phra Somdej Wat Rakang. After you measure the height of bell curve frame of each Phra Somdej then you comparison with table of the height of bell curve frame in this book and then you will found the original mould block which was recorded in the Directoty of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Vol. 1-4.

 Method of Measuring

He opened for training and tutoring individually more than 96 classes.  Each class learning from the original Phra Somdej Wat Rakang.

      Left page the table of the height of Bell curve frame in each original mold block. 
Right page show classroom for training and tutoring.

 The Directoty of Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Vol. 1-3.

He open to check Phra Somdej Wat Rakang and issue the Certificate of Authenticity.

 The sample of Certificate of Authenticity.

Total pages is 515 printing in 4 colors all book. 
Est. weight 3.5 kgs./book.

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